Showing Tag: "earth" (Show all posts)

Coral Reef Conservation

Posted by Guest Editor on Monday, January 21, 2013, In : Information gathered from the USA EPA 

Coral reefs are structures that have merged together into limestone. It consists of a collection of biological communities that make up one of the most diverse ecosystems in the world. Corals themselves are actually small immobile animals that belong to the group cnidaria. They sustain themselves by catching prey, such as small fish and planktonic animals, with their tentacles. Corals generally live in colonies. Together these colonies secrete a hard calcium carbonate skeleton, which is wha...

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Geothermal Energy Part 2

Posted by Guest Editor on Thursday, December 27, 2012,

Geothermal energy can also be captured from heat pumps. Heat pumps tap into the heat near the Earth’s surface. This type of energy capturing can be used to heat water supplies or heat/cool buildings. Geothermal heat pumps transfer heat by pumping water or a refrigerant through pipes (also known as heat exchangers) below the Earth’s surface. During the winter months the water and refrigerants absorb heat from the Earth and deliver it to buildings and such. During summer months pumps are ...

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Geothermal Energy Part 1

Posted by Guest Editor on Sunday, December 9, 2012,

Geothermal energy is heat derived from the Earth. It is both clean and sustainable. It can be excavated from shallow ground, hot water, hot rocks, and magma. Geothermal energy can be extracted through power plants and heat pumps.

There are three types of geothermal power plants. The first type is called dry steam and uses heat from deep within the Earth to generate steam, which produces electricity. Wells drill into the Earth and pump hot water to the surface under high pressures. Once at...

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Why Biodiversity Needs Conservation?

Posted by Guest Editor on Friday, August 31, 2012, In : News 
The natural Earth is made up of plants, animals, land, water, the atmosphere, and humans. Combined we form the planet’s ecosystem. This means that should there ever be a major biodiversity disaster, the wellbeing of humans could be at risk. For too long we have had the idea that the biodiversity that surrounds us responds to Earth’s physical changes rather than see that the existence of the Earth depends on biodiversity.

Presently we are consuming 25% more of natural resources than the p...
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45 CEOs endorsed the Global Compact’s CEO Water Mandate

Posted by Guest Editor on Tuesday, June 19, 2012, In : News 
They have pledged to work with suppliers to improve their water practices, and partner with nongovernmental organizations, UN agencies, governments and public authorities, investors, and other stakeholders on water-related projects and solutions. 
In the communiqué, they called on governments to:

- Develop policies and incentives to improve water productivity and efficiency in all sectors, especially agriculture.
- Establish fair and appropriate valuation of water for agriculture, industry...
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The Earth Day Agenda, 35 ways to Celebrate Earth day! From NYC City Council

Posted by Empowering Editor on Saturday, April 21, 2012, In : Must read 
Interested in volunteering on Earth Day?
According to Christine C. Quinn Speaker of NYC Council and James F. Gennaro Chair, Environmental Protection Committee - NYC Council. The 35 ways to Celebrate Earth day and give back to the Planet are listed on the links below: 

Earth Day Indoors at Grand Central Terminal - 
Earth Day in Times Square - 
NY Public library Stories, Songs and Activities That Celebrate Our Earth - www.nypl...
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Laser radar spots quake changes

Posted by Guest Editor, BBC on Friday, February 10, 2012, In : News 

Source: BBC

An international team of scientists has released a laser-radar image of the area surrounding the site of a Magnitude 7.2 earthquake that occurred in Mexicali, Mexico, in 2010. The technique can spot surface changes of just a few centimetres; here blue represents a post-quake reduction in height and red indicates an increase.

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An Environmental Disaster Unfolding in Front of US...

Posted by Editor, with quotes from the Associated Press report on Wednesday, March 30, 2011, In : Must read 

Prime Minister Naoto Kan reiterated in a speech to parliament that Japan was grappling with its worst problems since World War II."This quake, tsunami and the nuclear accident are the biggest crises for Japan" in decades, said Kan, dressed in one of the blue work jackets that have become ubiquitous among bureaucrats since the tsunami. He said the crises remained unpredictable, but added: "We will continue to handle it in a state of maximum alert."

Source: NASA (Picture1 red = previously popula...
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