We provide community organizations, non-profit institutions, and social entrepreneurs with the technology, educational materials, and services they need to implement fiscally and environmentally sustainable projects.
For every project MicoEmpowering.org is also a donor.
MicroEmpowering.org's closed loop approach to grass-roots sustainable projects bridges the gaps in traditional financing and donor-based social entrepreneurship.
Our goals are to:
- Facilitate communication between donors, practitioners, and entrepreneurs
- Provide fiscal,
technological, and community support for local and international projects
that encourage sustainable development
- Encourage projects that promote education about the environment
- Provide individuals with the right tools to work towards a decent livelihood
- Empower communities on the micro-level
We empower people by listening to their needs at the micro level and working to structure solutions to benefit their community.
What is our story - why did we start MicroEmpowering.org?
We are a group of people from different walks of life who have always been concerned about sustainability, efficiency, and transparency started to question why the majority of our charitable donations were not having a greater impact on the issues we cared most about, which is empowering poor communities to obtain sustainable development at the micro level.
As a result, we identified three major issues pertaining to donors, which are: feasibility; the adaptation to reality on the ground; and the financial transparency during and after project implementation. However, since we could not find a not-for-profit organization focusing on transparency for donors, employing a mixed strategy of loans, in kind donations, and knowledge management for sustainable development projects at the micro level, we decided to join forces, get incorporated, and start Micro-Empowering, Inc. We believe, once provided with the necessary resources and information, most individuals can craft solutions for creating sustainable communities and improving lives.
All rights reserved ©2009-2012 MicroEmpowering.org is a 501(c)3 public charity.