We work to turn ideas into action and transform your projects into reality!

A good example of Social Entrepreneurship projects is happening in NYC and in Rio de Janeiro Brazil, where we are conducting training workshops since 2009.

Projects to provide poor communities with access to low cost clean technologies. In 2009, we joined forces with ISATTA to refurbish Windmills that are used to pump water in Sao Pedro, Brazil.

These are academic workshops developed to link science, technology, engineering, and math curriculum to entrepreneurship and sustainability. We offer STEM workshops in the Northeast and Midwest parts of the United States since 2010.

We consider social innovations to be projects and ideas that are capable to breed great improvements to those in need. We execute our social innovation projects through Public Private Partnerships.
Project Life Cycle
We are looking for projects from individuals, social entrepreneurs, and small businesses.
Once we receive these ideas they will be evaluated. If accepted, we will translate them into feasible projects. In the next step, projects are uploaded to our website to take advantage of marketplace tools and compete for all sorts of funding. Once the funds are in place, our next step is to execute the project for successful completion that empowers people at the micro level!
If your idea is different from what we listed above, please take a look at our
All rights reserved ©2009-2012 MicroEmpowering.org is a 501(c)3 public charity.